Uniswap V4 deep-dive
Aug 23, 2023 | #technical#defi

Uniswap V4 stands on the horizon, poised to captivate the DeFi community with its revolutionary advancements. For enthusiasts deeply engrossed in the realm of decentralized finance, a comprehensive grasp of the intricate features and mechanisms underlying this upgrade is nothing short of essential. From the innovative concept of hooks to the dynamic fee system, contract singleton, and the ERC1155 accounting...
1.1 Introduction to Uniswap V4
In the world of decentralized finance, the names Uniswap and Automated Market Makers (AMMs) have likely graced your ears. Yet, if the realm of Uniswap remains an uncharted domain for you, brace yourself for an enlightening journey. At its core, Uniswap emerges as a fully decentralized protocol tailored for the provision of automated liquidity within the Ethereum ecosystem. To simplify, envision a decentralized exchange (DEX) powered by external liquidity providers who seamlessly contribute tokens to smart contract pools, thereby enabling users to engage in direct trading. This article embarks on an exploration of Uniswap V4's intricate facets, unveiling its transformative features and mechanisms that are poised to redefine the DeFi landscape as we know it.
1.2 Significance of Uniswap in the DeFi Ecosystem
For numerous years, Uniswap has stood as the quintessential benchmark for decentralized exchanges. Across various blockchain networks, it reigns supreme as the protocol with the most substantial Total Value Locked (TVL), surging to an impressive $9.96 billion on the Ethereum main chain alone. The imminent arrival of Uniswap V4 heralds a watershed moment, destined to redefine the decentralized finance landscape. This upcoming iteration promises to be a game-changer, setting a new precedent that will resonate far and wide within the DeFi ecosystem.
1.3 Overview of Uniswap V4 codebase
The protocol as always is divided into two repositories: a core and a periphery. The most relevant contracts contained by this repositores are:
- v4-core: contains all the core logic of
the protocol:
- PoolManager.sol: the huge contract containing all the pools.
- Fees.sol: contract for managing and collecting of pool fees.
- v4-periphery: meant to be used by
other develpers who want to implement or innovate on top of the protocol.
- BaseHook.sol: a base contract to develop a custom hook from.
2.Key Features of Uniswap V4
2.1 Singleton Contract
In a twist that defies convention, Uniswap V4 introduces an intriguing paradigm: all pools will find their abode within a single, unified contract. While this approach might appear counterintuitive, given the prevailing wisdom of dispersing protocol functions across distinct contracts, its brilliance lies in the realm of capital efficiency.
Contrasting the current V3 iteration, where each swap triggers the movement of tokens through individual pool contracts, the V4's singleton contract facilitates internal swaps. This novel mechanism yields a remarkable reduction in gas costs for multihop swaps.
2.1.1 Trading through smart contracts
Trading from externally owned accounts (EOAs) will not be directly permissible within the singleton contract. Instead, traders will interact with the main contract through an intermediary contract. This architectural choice primarily serves efficiency objectives, as it empowers traders to invoke multiple functions within the main contract securely and with enhanced efficiency.
This streamlined approach will occur within a single transaction, facilitated by a callback mechanism. The adjustment of internal balances will be achieved through this new system, where the caller contract can withdraw the internal balance at the end of the interaction calling the settle function.
2.1.2 Full contract locking
In the previous version, a reentrancy lock was used to protect contract from reentrancy attacks when calling a function. But this would happen in every function, so if traders wanted to call many functions concurrently, they would just lock and unlock the contract many times, wasting gas. The new contract will be locked entirely at the beginning of the interaction, and unlocked at the end.
2.1.3 Implementation example
The contract is locked by calling the lock function.
// PoolManager.sol
function lock(bytes calldata data) external
override returns (bytes memory result) {
// the caller does everything in this callback,
// including paying what they owe via calls to settle
result = ILockCallback(msg.sender).lockAcquired(data);
if (lockData.length == 1) {
if (lockData.nonzeroDeltaCount != 0) revert CurrencyNotSettled();
delete lockData;
} else {
The calling contract will need to follow ILockCallback implementation, here's an example:
function lock(bytes calldata data) public payable {
function lockAcquired(uint256, bytes calldata data) external returns (bytes memory) {
if (msg.sender == address(poolManager)) {
revert OnlyPoolManager();
(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = address(this).call(data);
if (success) return returnData;
if (returnData.length == 0) revert LockFailure();
assembly {
revert(add(returnData, 32), mload(returnData))
function swapTokens(
IPoolManager.PoolKey calldata poolKey,
IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata swapParams,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (bytes memory) {
// old logic from the previous `lockAcquired`
After the trader contract calls the PoolManager this will call the caller back though the lockAcquired function, where trader's desired calls happen.
2.2 Hooks
Hooks allow developer to add their custom functionality on top of a pool, just like a plugin in a application. Developers will need to implement the hook standard provided by Uniswap.
2.2.1 Configuration
Depending on the desired implementation, the hooks can be set up to be called in specific moments:
- Before pool initialization
- After pool initialization
- Before every swap
- After every swap
- Before every donation
- After every donation
// BaeHook.sol
function beforeInitialize(address, PoolKey calldata, uint160, bytes calldata) external virtual returns (bytes4) {
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function afterInitialize(address, PoolKey calldata, uint160, int24, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function beforeModifyPosition(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams calldata, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function afterModifyPosition(
PoolKey calldata,
IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams calldata,
bytes calldata
) external virtual returns (bytes4) {
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function beforeSwap(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function afterSwap(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, BalanceDelta, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function beforeDonate(address, PoolKey calldata, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
// remove the revert and introduce desired implementation
revert HookNotImplemented();
function afterDonate(address, PoolKey calldata, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4)
revert HookNotImplemented();
For a hook to be valid it it's functions must return their own function selector. A function selector equals the first 4 bytes of the hash of the function signature:
function foo(uint256 dumbParam) public view returns(bytes4 selector){
selector = bytes4(keccak256("foo(uint256)"));
2.2.2 Using addresses as bitmaps
Bitmaps are very handy in solidity since they allow contracts to pack data in a efficient way to read, using binary operators. In this case, hooks addresses themselves will be used to check hooks configuration. The reasons behind this is that reading from an address from a smart contract is very cheap since it's a context value.
// if the first bit of the address in binaryis 1,
// the hook is meant to be called to beforeInitialize()
// binary representation(160 bits):
// 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
uint256 internal constant BEFORE_INITIALIZE_FLAG = 1 << 159;
// second bit for after initialize()
// 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
uint256 internal constant AFTER_INITIALIZE_FLAG = 1 << 158;
uint256 internal constant BEFORE_MODIFY_POSITION_FLAG = 1 << 157;
uint256 internal constant AFTER_MODIFY_POSITION_FLAG = 1 << 156;
uint256 internal constant BEFORE_SWAP_FLAG = 1 << 155;
uint256 internal constant AFTER_SWAP_FLAG = 1 << 154;
uint256 internal constant BEFORE_DONATE_FLAG = 1 << 153;
uint256 internal constant AFTER_DONATE_FLAG = 1 << 152;
For example, if an address' binary representation looks like 11010101010101010101010101... , this hook will use the next functions: beforeInitialize,afterInitialize, beforeModifyPosition,beforeSwap...
We can see that when using a pool in the main contract(PoolManager) the contract always checks what functions should call to the hook of that specific pool:
// IPoolManager
function modifyPosition(
PoolKey memory key,
IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params,
bytes calldata hookData
) external override noDelegateCall onlyByLocker returns (BalanceDelta delta) {
// check if it should calling
if (key.hooks.shouldCallBeforeModifyPosition()) {
if (
// checks that the function returns it's selector as mentioned before
key.hooks.beforeModifyPosition(msg.sender, key, params, hookData)
!= IHooks.beforeModifyPosition.selector
) {
revert Hooks.InvalidHookResponse();
2.2.3 Deploying a hook with an address that meets this requirements
Ensuring the congruence of a hook's binary address representation with its configuration is a pivotal concern. But how can we achieve this assurance without resorting to a trial-and-error barrage of deployments? Enter Solidity's ingenious solution: the CREATE2 opcode. This opcode empowers a smart contract to deterministically deploy another contract, leveraging a cryptographic salt—essentially a 32-byte seed that computes the forthcoming address.
The beauty of this approach lies in its predictability; the new address can be computed even before the deployment is executed, contingent solely on identifying the correct seed. For an in-depth exploration of this concept, the implementation of CREATE2 in the Solady library offers a compelling resource.
2.3 Infinite Pools per Pair
In the previous V3 model iteration, a singular pool was allocated for each pair. However, the current contract introduces a dynamic paradigm, enabling individuals to craft custom pools tailored to specific pairs. This innovation heralds a diverse array of pools, each unique to its corresponding pair and distinguished by custom hooks and distinct fee structures.
2.4 Native ETH Support
For some reason, the V3 version removed the native ETH support, to only support ERC20 swaps. This forces traders to wrap their ETH into WETH ERC20 contract or viceversa before a swap implying ETH. Considering this problem de developers team decided to add native ETH support back.
2.5 ERC1155 Liquidity Accounting
Previously, our method for accounting liquidity provider positions involved using an ERC20 token that was minted to the required amount for each provider. Each pool had its dedicated ERC20 token representing a liquidity position within that specific pool. However, we've undergone significant changes. With all pools now consolidated into a single, unified smart contract, we have adopted a new approach using ERC1155 tokens. These tokens enable the management of multiple positions within a single token, allowing us to efficiently oversee all liquidity provider positions from a single, centralized smart contract.
3.Implications for Traders and Liquidity Providers
3.1 Benefits and Drawbacks of AMMs
3.1.1 Liquidity concentration
Uniswap V4 will seamlessly retain the concentrated liquidity mechanism introduced in V3. This empowers liquidity providers to infuse liquidity within specific price ranges, a strategic approach stemming from the insight that the entire price curve is seldom utilized. Analogous to leveraging, this tactic can yield augmented profits or amplified losses, often referred to as a more substantial impermanent loss, compared to the broader spectrum liquidity provision.
For a comprehensive understanding of the concept of concentrated liquidity, I recommend delving into this enlightening article.. The article elucidates the nuances of this approach, providing valuable insights into the inner workings of Uniswap V3's liquidity book.
3.1.2 Impermanent loss
In the realm of Constant Product AMMs, liquidity providers participate by adding liquidity to a specific pair through the deposit of an amount of token A, proportionally balanced with an amount of token B, as dictated by their prevailing price relationship. Over the course of their liquidity provision, market prices may undergo fluctuations, leading to corresponding shifts in the reserve quantities of token A and token B.
Upon the eventual withdrawal of liquidity, both token A and token B are retrieved. However, the proportions between these two token amounts may have evolved due to alterations in the reserves. Consequently, even though the liquidity provider reclaims their initial shares of liquidity along with the accumulated fees—thus accruing more tokens than before—there exists the possibility of incurring a loss when measured in total USD value.
For those eager to explore this concept further, I recommend delving into this insightful article. The article delves deeper into the intricacies of impermanent loss, shedding light on its occurrence and implications.
3.2 Enhanced pools for traders
This are some interestig pool implementations proposed by Uniswap:
3.3.1 TWAMM
Introducing TWAMM, or Time Weighted Average Market Maker – an ingenious solution offering traders an efficient and cost-effective method for executing substantial swaps. Tackling a historical challenge for traders, TWAMM emerges as a viable alternative. Traditional methods, such as conducting large transactions within a single pool, tend to yield significant impermanent losses. On the other hand, fragmenting orders across multiple Automated Market Makers (AMMs) can result in exorbitant fee payments.
The underpinning idea draws inspiration from the concept of Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) that traders employ. In the TWAP strategy, periodic selling is executed to achieve a desired average price over a specific duration.
TWAMMs provide users the ability to dissect their sell orders into an infinite series of smaller segments. A noteworthy feature is that all orders seeking to sell the same asset within a particular pool are executed concurrently by the TWAMM contract. This seamless orchestration is automatically facilitated through a hook. The hook oversees the execution of required sell actions within the previously mentioned afterSwap() and afterModifyPosition() special functions. These functions are triggered periodically by the pool.
For further reading : link
3.3.2 Limit orders
Users will be able to place limit orders using a hook. This is a game changer when it comes to trading. The defi landscape is catching up the centralised finance day by day.
3.3.3 Full range liquidity
Regrettably, many inexperienced liquidity providers faced substantial impermanent losses in the prior version, primarily due to the concentrated liquidity feature. To address this concern, the introduced hook offers a solution: the ability to establish liquidity positions that encompass the entire price range. While this adjustment might lead to a decrease in profits for favorable positions, it undeniably serves as a mitigation strategy against potential risks.
3.3.4 Geomean oracle
This hook will allow pools to work as a decentralised oracle themselves. This kind of oracles will definitely be very useful for the defi ecosystem, including traders, yeild farmers, and other contracts implementing Uniswap V4.
3.3.5 Volatility oracles
Dynamic fees will definitely be a thing in Uniswap V4. Volatility oracles just sets the pool fees based on the volatility of it.
3.4 Uniswap X
"UniswapX is an ERC20 swap settlement protocol that provides swappers with a gasless experience, MEV protection, and access to arbitrary liquidity sources. Swappers generate signed orders which specify the specification of their swap, and fillers compete using arbitrary fill strategies to satisfy these orders." - Uniswap docs.
Just for a brief overview, this means that traders will be able to perform swaps without paying any gas when using the dapp. Furthermore, failed transactions won't be charged to traders. This could be the beginning of the next web3 generation.
Full detailed overview in the Uniswap documentation
4.Future Implications and Challenges
4.1 Potential Competition and Innovations in Response
Given this new powerfull infraestructure, the spectrum of potential pool variations is boundless. As these pools multiply exponentially, a dynamic landscape of competition for liquidity will naturally emerge. This competition serves as a catalyst, propelling developers to craft pools that transcend convention, embodying both innovation and profitability.
In this environment teeming with potential, developers are poised to illuminate the DeFi sphere with their creativity. This juncture marks a golden opportunity for their ingenuity to take center stage. As they conjure inventive and appealing pool structures, the entire ecosystem stands to benefit from enhanced liquidity options, fostering a thriving DeFi landscape.
4.2 Security and Smart Contract Audits
One of the major drawbacks associated with UniswapV4 pertains to its concentration of liquidity within a single contract. This concentration creates an attractive opportunity for potential hackers or malicious actors, often referred to as "black hats," who might attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the system.
Given this security vulnerability, it becomes crucial to invest a significant amount of time in comprehensive audits and bug bounty programs. These measures are necessary to bolster the platform's security and ensure that potential risks are mitigated effectively. By subjecting UniswapV4 to thorough security assessments and incentivizing the community to actively participate in identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities, steps can be taken to prevent adverse events from occurring.
As we conclude our journey through the intricate web of Uniswap V4's features and implications, a new horizon of possibilities opens up for the decentralized finance landscape. Uniswap V4 represents a paradigm shift, introducing innovative mechanisms that challenge existing norms and elevate the potential for traders, liquidity providers, and developers alike.
The introduction of a singleton contract architecture brings forth efficiency gains, paving the way for multihop swaps with reduced gas costs. Hooks, as customizable and extendable components, invite developers to shape the ecosystem with tailored solutions, giving birth to concepts like the Time Weighted Average Market Maker (TWAMM) and decentralized oracles.
This transformation also ushers in a realm of opportunities and challenges. Developers are poised to shine as they compete to craft alluring and productive pools, driving innovation to new heights. However, the concentration of liquidity within a single contract raises security concerns, necessitating a rigorous approach to audits and bug bounties to safeguard the ecosystem against potential vulnerabilities.
As Uniswap V4 takes center stage in the DeFi arena, it's evident that the decentralized landscape is undergoing a remarkable evolution. The collaborative efforts of developers, traders, liquidity providers, and security experts will shape the future of DeFi, offering greater flexibility, efficiency, and accessibility for all participants. With boundless possibilities ahead, we stand on the cusp of a transformative era, where Uniswap V4 plays a pivotal role in shaping the decentralized financial ecosystem for years to come.
6.1 Key Terms and Concepts
Automated Market Maker (AMM): A decentralized exchange protocol that enables users to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on traditional order books. AMMs utilize smart contracts and liquidity pools to determine asset prices and execute trades automatically.
Concentrated Liquidity: A mechanism introduced in Uniswap V3 and continued in V4, where liquidity providers concentrate their assets within specific price ranges, optimizing capital efficiency while potentially exposing them to impermanent loss.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): A movement that aims to recreate traditional financial services using blockchain technology and smart contracts. DeFi platforms provide decentralized alternatives to traditional financial intermediaries, such as banks, brokers, and exchanges.
ERC20: Ethereum Request for Comments 20, a widely adopted standard for fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. ERC20 tokens are interchangeable and can represent various assets, from cryptocurrencies to digital assets.
Gas Costs: In Ethereum, gas refers to the computational effort required to execute operations or transactions on the blockchain. Gas costs are denominated in Ether (ETH) and are necessary to incentivize miners to process transactions.
Impermanent Loss: A potential loss experienced by liquidity providers in automated market maker pools due to the changing relative prices of assets within the pool compared to holding those assets outside the pool.
Liquidity Providers: Individuals or entities that contribute assets to liquidity pools on AMMs. In return, they receive a share of trading fees and incentives from the protocol.
Singleton Contract: In Uniswap V4, a design choice where all pools are managed within a single contract. This architecture optimizes gas efficiency and facilitates multihop swaps.
Smart Contract Audits: Comprehensive reviews conducted by security experts to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks in smart contracts. Audits are crucial to ensure the security and reliability of protocols and applications.
Time Weighted Average Market Maker (TWAMM): An innovative trading mechanism introduced in Uniswap V4 that allows users to execute large trades over time, minimizing the impact on prices and providing protection against front-running and other forms of market manipulation.
Total Value Locked (TVL): The total amount of assets locked within a decentralized finance protocol. TVL is a common metric used to assess the adoption and growth of DeFi platforms.
Vulnerabilities: Weaknesses or flaws in software code that could be exploited by attackers to compromise the security or functionality of a system. Vulnerabilities in smart contracts can lead to financial losses and other undesirable outcomes.